Field Line Painting

Field Line Painting

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Wallaceburg Lawn Care is proud to offer this service full time in 2016, after a successful test run in 2015. We can put down lines on soccer, football, and rugby fields in an efficient, clean, and safe manner that provides an esthetically pleasing field appearance, while ensuring kids have a safe place to play.

By utilizing a walk-behind, pump-driven, bulk paint sprayer with non-toxic water based paint, we are able to reduce the amount of time spent mixing paint, and pass the savings along to the customer. The water based paint dries very quickly (within 5 minutes we have found if it is windy, but under normal circumstances, it is playable within half an hour), and will stand up to rain quite well before fading. The paint is non-toxic, and washes off hands and clothes, should someone come into contact with it.

The longevity of the paint once it has been applied to a field is similar to other paint on the market, but results vary depending on the amount of rainfall, time of year, and how much or little the grass is growing, just as it would with any paint.

Call for more information today to see how Wallaceburg Lawn Care can help reduce your maintenance costs for the 2016 playing season.